Theology Institute of Azerbaijan

The Theology Institute of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan İlahiyyat İnstitutu) is an Azerbaijani higher education institution specializing in theology. It operates under the direction of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At present, three departments and one faculty comprise the institution. Education is carried out in Azerbaijani. The former rector of the Institute is Jeyhun Mammadov. The current rector of the Azerbaijan Institute of Theology is Agil Shirinov.

Theology Institute of Azerbaijan

The Theology Institute of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan İlahiyyat İnstitutu) is an Azerbaijani higher education institution specializing in theology. It operates under the direction of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At present, three departments and one faculty comprise the institution. Education is carried out in Azerbaijani. The former rector of the Institute is Jeyhun Mammadov. The current rector of the Azerbaijan Institute of Theology is Agil Shirinov.