Third Raid on Banu Thalabah

Third Raid on Banu Thalabah took place in September, 627AD, 6th month of 6AH of the Islamic calendar In Jumada Ath-Thania, Zaid as the commander of 15 men raided Bani Tha‘labah and captured 20 of their camels but the tribe members had fled. He spent four days there and then returned to Medina. The First Raid on Banu Thalabah had taken place two months earlier.

Third Raid on Banu Thalabah

Third Raid on Banu Thalabah took place in September, 627AD, 6th month of 6AH of the Islamic calendar In Jumada Ath-Thania, Zaid as the commander of 15 men raided Bani Tha‘labah and captured 20 of their camels but the tribe members had fled. He spent four days there and then returned to Medina. The First Raid on Banu Thalabah had taken place two months earlier.