Thomas W. Bifwoli

Mr Thomas W. Bifwoli is a career Customs Officer who works for the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). He worked in the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office before being appointed the head of the Mombasa Anti-smuggling team in 2005. In May 2006, Mr Thomas W. Bifwoli was appointed by the UN secretary General Kofi Annan to serve on the UN Panel of Experts as the Customs and Border control expert . The United Nations Panel of experts concerning the Sudan is established by the UN Security Council Resolution 1591 of March 2005 . Its mandate is to among others monitor the Arms Embargo on Darfur.

Thomas W. Bifwoli

Mr Thomas W. Bifwoli is a career Customs Officer who works for the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). He worked in the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office before being appointed the head of the Mombasa Anti-smuggling team in 2005. In May 2006, Mr Thomas W. Bifwoli was appointed by the UN secretary General Kofi Annan to serve on the UN Panel of Experts as the Customs and Border control expert . The United Nations Panel of experts concerning the Sudan is established by the UN Security Council Resolution 1591 of March 2005 . Its mandate is to among others monitor the Arms Embargo on Darfur.