Thor I. Fossen

Thor Inge Fossen (born January 3, 1963) is a Norwegian cyberneticist. Fossen received the MSc degree in Marine Technology (1987) and PhD in Engineering Cybernetics (1991) both from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He is a Fulbright alumni and he pursued postgraduate studies in Aerodynamics and Aeronautics at the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Washington, Seattle (1989-1990). At age 28 he was appointed associated professor of guidance, navigation and control at NTNU and two years later he qualified as full professor. He has been elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences since 1998 and elevated to IEEE Fellow (2016) for his contributions to modeling and controlling of marine craft. Fossen is one of the founder

Thor I. Fossen

Thor Inge Fossen (born January 3, 1963) is a Norwegian cyberneticist. Fossen received the MSc degree in Marine Technology (1987) and PhD in Engineering Cybernetics (1991) both from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He is a Fulbright alumni and he pursued postgraduate studies in Aerodynamics and Aeronautics at the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Washington, Seattle (1989-1990). At age 28 he was appointed associated professor of guidance, navigation and control at NTNU and two years later he qualified as full professor. He has been elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences since 1998 and elevated to IEEE Fellow (2016) for his contributions to modeling and controlling of marine craft. Fossen is one of the founder