Thunder in the Morning Calm

Thunder in the Morning Calm is a 2011 legal-thriller/political thriller written by Don Brown and published in summer 2011. The novel explores whether American servicemen who were listed as missing in action from the Korean War may still be alive in North Korea. It was the first novel released in Brown's Pacific Rim series, published by Zondervan, and Brown has said in interviews that he wrote the novel in part to bring attention to the issue of Korean War POWs detained in North Korea.

Thunder in the Morning Calm

Thunder in the Morning Calm is a 2011 legal-thriller/political thriller written by Don Brown and published in summer 2011. The novel explores whether American servicemen who were listed as missing in action from the Korean War may still be alive in North Korea. It was the first novel released in Brown's Pacific Rim series, published by Zondervan, and Brown has said in interviews that he wrote the novel in part to bring attention to the issue of Korean War POWs detained in North Korea.