Tickle fight

Tickle fight is a playful leisure activity in which two people, or sometimes more, tickle each other to the point where one of the participants gives up. It can occur as a sudden outburst without consensus about it, or as a carefully designed challenge with clear ground rules. Tickle fighting is similar to pillow fighting, in the sense that they are both silly and playful activities, usually not taken too seriously. Tickle fight should not be confused with tickle torture, which is an abusive and serious torturing method. A participant in a tickle fight can be called a tickler.

Tickle fight

Tickle fight is a playful leisure activity in which two people, or sometimes more, tickle each other to the point where one of the participants gives up. It can occur as a sudden outburst without consensus about it, or as a carefully designed challenge with clear ground rules. Tickle fighting is similar to pillow fighting, in the sense that they are both silly and playful activities, usually not taken too seriously. Tickle fight should not be confused with tickle torture, which is an abusive and serious torturing method. A participant in a tickle fight can be called a tickler.