Tin Pan Alley (film)

Tin Pan Alley is a 1940 musical film directed by Walter Lang and starring Alice Faye and Betty Grable (their only film together) as vaudeville singers/sisters and John Payne and Jack Oakie as songwriters in the years before World War I. Alfred Newman received the 1940 Academy Award for Best Musical Score for his work on the film, the first of his nine Oscars. The film was also nominated for American Film Institute's 2006 list of the AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals.

Tin Pan Alley (film)

Tin Pan Alley is a 1940 musical film directed by Walter Lang and starring Alice Faye and Betty Grable (their only film together) as vaudeville singers/sisters and John Payne and Jack Oakie as songwriters in the years before World War I. Alfred Newman received the 1940 Academy Award for Best Musical Score for his work on the film, the first of his nine Oscars. The film was also nominated for American Film Institute's 2006 list of the AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals.