Tissa Buddha

According to the Buddhavamsa of the Pali Canon and to its commentary, Tissa Buddha is the twentieth of the twenty-seven buddhas that preceded the historical Gotama Buddha. He was also the first buddha of the Maṇḍa kalpa which was formed 92 aeons ago. In the Buddhavamsa, he is described as: He has the most unique attributes, Śīla and integrity. Having reached the top of the Dhamma, he preached the wheel of the Dhamma. His body was 60 cubits (90 feet) tall and people saw him as the Himalayas.

Tissa Buddha

According to the Buddhavamsa of the Pali Canon and to its commentary, Tissa Buddha is the twentieth of the twenty-seven buddhas that preceded the historical Gotama Buddha. He was also the first buddha of the Maṇḍa kalpa which was formed 92 aeons ago. In the Buddhavamsa, he is described as: He has the most unique attributes, Śīla and integrity. Having reached the top of the Dhamma, he preached the wheel of the Dhamma. His body was 60 cubits (90 feet) tall and people saw him as the Himalayas.