
Titiotus is a genus of American false wolf spiders that was first described by Eugène Louis Simon in 1897. Spiders in this genus are often misidentified as the brown recluse spider of the genus Loxosceles due to similarities of coloration, body proportions, leg length, and even leg positioning prior to movement. Species within the Titiotus genus are "all found within the California (United States), often in areas of dense human population." "They are most common from the northernmost portions of the state to the southern portions just north of the mountains near Los Angeles Basin. They are often found in redwood forests and present in cabins in the woods."


Titiotus is a genus of American false wolf spiders that was first described by Eugène Louis Simon in 1897. Spiders in this genus are often misidentified as the brown recluse spider of the genus Loxosceles due to similarities of coloration, body proportions, leg length, and even leg positioning prior to movement. Species within the Titiotus genus are "all found within the California (United States), often in areas of dense human population." "They are most common from the northernmost portions of the state to the southern portions just north of the mountains near Los Angeles Basin. They are often found in redwood forests and present in cabins in the woods."