Title Shot

Title Shot is a Canadian crime drama film, directed by Les Rose and released in 1978. Rose's second collaboration with writer and actor Richard Gabourie following 1978's Three Card Monte, the film stars Gabourie as Blake, a police detective in Toronto who is investigating an attempt by crime boss Frank Renzetti (Tony Curtis) to rig the outcome of boxing matches. The film premiered at the 1979 Festival of Festivals.

Title Shot

Title Shot is a Canadian crime drama film, directed by Les Rose and released in 1978. Rose's second collaboration with writer and actor Richard Gabourie following 1978's Three Card Monte, the film stars Gabourie as Blake, a police detective in Toronto who is investigating an attempt by crime boss Frank Renzetti (Tony Curtis) to rig the outcome of boxing matches. The film premiered at the 1979 Festival of Festivals.