Tomie (film series)

Tomie (富江) is a Japanese horror film series based on Junji Ito's manga of the same name. The series consists of nine installments to date. The series focuses on the titular Tomie Kawakami, a beautiful young girl identified by a mole under her left eye, who drives her stricken admirers to madness, often resulting in her own death. However, due to her ability of regeneration, she comes back to life to terrorize her killers.

Tomie (film series)

Tomie (富江) is a Japanese horror film series based on Junji Ito's manga of the same name. The series consists of nine installments to date. The series focuses on the titular Tomie Kawakami, a beautiful young girl identified by a mole under her left eye, who drives her stricken admirers to madness, often resulting in her own death. However, due to her ability of regeneration, she comes back to life to terrorize her killers.