Torrington High School rape cases

The Torrington High School rape case refers to five separate rape cases in Torrington, Connecticut, United States, involving 6 former Torrington High School football players and two other Torrington teens. In a 2013 case, Joan Toribio and Edgar Gonzalez, both 18-year-old former football players from Torrington High School, were convicted in the sexual assault of two 13-year-old girls in Torrington, Connecticut. Joan Toribio was sentenced to 9 months in prison. Edgar Gonzalez was sentenced to six years in prison.

Torrington High School rape cases

The Torrington High School rape case refers to five separate rape cases in Torrington, Connecticut, United States, involving 6 former Torrington High School football players and two other Torrington teens. In a 2013 case, Joan Toribio and Edgar Gonzalez, both 18-year-old former football players from Torrington High School, were convicted in the sexual assault of two 13-year-old girls in Torrington, Connecticut. Joan Toribio was sentenced to 9 months in prison. Edgar Gonzalez was sentenced to six years in prison.