Tough movement

In formal syntax, tough movement refers to sentences in which the syntactic subject of the main verb is logically the object of an embedded non-finite verb. The following sentences illustrate tough movement. (1) This problem is tough to solve.(2) Chris is easy to please. The phenomenon was so named by Rosenbaum (1967) because prototypical example sentences like (1) involve the word tough. In these sentences, this problem is logically the object of solve, and Chris is logically the object of please. The sentences can therefore be paraphrased as: or and with the verb take: or fronted infinitive:

Tough movement

In formal syntax, tough movement refers to sentences in which the syntactic subject of the main verb is logically the object of an embedded non-finite verb. The following sentences illustrate tough movement. (1) This problem is tough to solve.(2) Chris is easy to please. The phenomenon was so named by Rosenbaum (1967) because prototypical example sentences like (1) involve the word tough. In these sentences, this problem is logically the object of solve, and Chris is logically the object of please. The sentences can therefore be paraphrased as: or and with the verb take: or fronted infinitive: