Transformers: Micromasters

Transformers: Micromasters was a four-issue comic book limited series released in 2004 which takes place in between the War Within and the Generation 1 series. The main focus of the series is the Micromasters subline of Transformers, though it did have some cameos of notable G1 regulars. The first issue alone sold well over 40 thousand copies in total, exceeding all other single issues of Dreamwave Transformers titles in that release period, including their best-selling Generation One series and their lowest-selling regular series Transformers: Energon.

Transformers: Micromasters

Transformers: Micromasters was a four-issue comic book limited series released in 2004 which takes place in between the War Within and the Generation 1 series. The main focus of the series is the Micromasters subline of Transformers, though it did have some cameos of notable G1 regulars. The first issue alone sold well over 40 thousand copies in total, exceeding all other single issues of Dreamwave Transformers titles in that release period, including their best-selling Generation One series and their lowest-selling regular series Transformers: Energon.