Transport in Eluru

There are various modes of transportation available in Eluru and its region. It includes auto rickshaws, bicycles to mass transit systems – such as buses and trains. The city was once famed for its traffic problems with the railway gates at Vatluru, Venkatraopet, Powerpet, Old bus stand and Eastern Locks areas. When the National Highway passed through the city, the traffic hurried to pass over the railway gates in the city and outskirts, which makes traffic worse.

Transport in Eluru

There are various modes of transportation available in Eluru and its region. It includes auto rickshaws, bicycles to mass transit systems – such as buses and trains. The city was once famed for its traffic problems with the railway gates at Vatluru, Venkatraopet, Powerpet, Old bus stand and Eastern Locks areas. When the National Highway passed through the city, the traffic hurried to pass over the railway gates in the city and outskirts, which makes traffic worse.