Treasure Island (1973 film)

Treasure Island is a 1973 animated feature film directed by Hal Sutherland, produced by Filmation, and released by Warner Bros. In this adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel of the same name, Jim Hawkins (voiced by Davy Jones) travels with sidekick Hiccup the Mouse. In 1980, an edited version of the film was broadcast on NBC as a special.

Treasure Island (1973 film)

Treasure Island is a 1973 animated feature film directed by Hal Sutherland, produced by Filmation, and released by Warner Bros. In this adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel of the same name, Jim Hawkins (voiced by Davy Jones) travels with sidekick Hiccup the Mouse. In 1980, an edited version of the film was broadcast on NBC as a special.