Treaty of Bastia

The Treaty of Bastia was an agreement signed in 1814 (near the end of the Napoleonic Wars) between Corsican nationalists and Lord William Bentinck, commander of British forces in Italy. It gave sovereignty over the island to the British Crown, while allowing local self-government. Bentinck was also an advocate of Italian unification and may have regarded the treaty as a step towards Corsica later joining Italy. The treaty was not universally accepted by Corsicans. The Court of Appeals in Ajaccio specifically rejected its legality.

Treaty of Bastia

The Treaty of Bastia was an agreement signed in 1814 (near the end of the Napoleonic Wars) between Corsican nationalists and Lord William Bentinck, commander of British forces in Italy. It gave sovereignty over the island to the British Crown, while allowing local self-government. Bentinck was also an advocate of Italian unification and may have regarded the treaty as a step towards Corsica later joining Italy. The treaty was not universally accepted by Corsicans. The Court of Appeals in Ajaccio specifically rejected its legality.