Triangle Point

Triangle Point is the low ice-free tipped point forming the northwest side of the entrance to Shopski Cove in the south coast of Parvomay Neck linking the northwest and southeast parts of Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The area was frequented by early 19th century sealers operating from Yankee Harbour. The feature was charted and descriptively named by the Discovery Investigations in 1935.

Triangle Point

Triangle Point is the low ice-free tipped point forming the northwest side of the entrance to Shopski Cove in the south coast of Parvomay Neck linking the northwest and southeast parts of Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The area was frequented by early 19th century sealers operating from Yankee Harbour. The feature was charted and descriptively named by the Discovery Investigations in 1935.