Trillium grandiflorum 'Pamela Copeland'

Trillium grandiflorum 'Pamela Copeland' is a cultivated double form of the large-flowered trillium, Trillium grandiflorum. In 1996, it was selected and named by Roberta and Frederick W. Case, Jr. as a tribute to Mt. Cuba Center’s founder, Pamela Cunningham Copeland. Peak flowering occurs in mid-May, slightly later than the single-flowered forms in the garden and provides a longer show because of its numerous petals. This large-flowered trillium requires a filtered or partial shady spot with neutral and moist soil that is rich in organic matter. In acidic soil, a dusting of limestone (dolomite) in fall is beneficial every 2 years. Foliage emerges and stays green through summer and fall, as do its seeds and fruits. This showy beauty combines well in naturalistic gardens with other woodland f

Trillium grandiflorum 'Pamela Copeland'

Trillium grandiflorum 'Pamela Copeland' is a cultivated double form of the large-flowered trillium, Trillium grandiflorum. In 1996, it was selected and named by Roberta and Frederick W. Case, Jr. as a tribute to Mt. Cuba Center’s founder, Pamela Cunningham Copeland. Peak flowering occurs in mid-May, slightly later than the single-flowered forms in the garden and provides a longer show because of its numerous petals. This large-flowered trillium requires a filtered or partial shady spot with neutral and moist soil that is rich in organic matter. In acidic soil, a dusting of limestone (dolomite) in fall is beneficial every 2 years. Foliage emerges and stays green through summer and fall, as do its seeds and fruits. This showy beauty combines well in naturalistic gardens with other woodland f