Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association

The Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association is a trade union in Trinidad and Tobago with members in the former BWIA and Tobago Express, now Caribbean Airlines.The Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association (TTALPA) is the registered, Recognised Majority Union and bargaining unit for Pilots in Trinidad and Tobago. TTALPA was officially registered in 1972 under the Trade Unions Ordinance and pursuant to the provision of Section 86(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 1972. 1. Air Safety & Training Committee Negotiations Committee Hotel Committee Prefbid Committee

Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association

The Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association is a trade union in Trinidad and Tobago with members in the former BWIA and Tobago Express, now Caribbean Airlines.The Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association (TTALPA) is the registered, Recognised Majority Union and bargaining unit for Pilots in Trinidad and Tobago. TTALPA was officially registered in 1972 under the Trade Unions Ordinance and pursuant to the provision of Section 86(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 1972. 1. Air Safety & Training Committee Negotiations Committee Hotel Committee Prefbid Committee