Tritrophic interactions in plant defense

Tritrophic interactions in plant defense against herbivory describe the ecological impacts of three trophic levels on each other: the plant, the herbivore, and its natural enemies. They may also be called multitrophic interactions when further trophic levels, such as soil microbes or hyperparasitoids (higher-order predators) are considered. Tritrophic interactions join pollination and seed dispersal as vital biological functions which plants perform via cooperation with animals. Humans can take advantage of tritrophic interactions in the biological control of insect pests.

Tritrophic interactions in plant defense

Tritrophic interactions in plant defense against herbivory describe the ecological impacts of three trophic levels on each other: the plant, the herbivore, and its natural enemies. They may also be called multitrophic interactions when further trophic levels, such as soil microbes or hyperparasitoids (higher-order predators) are considered. Tritrophic interactions join pollination and seed dispersal as vital biological functions which plants perform via cooperation with animals. Humans can take advantage of tritrophic interactions in the biological control of insect pests.