
Trumland is a Category B listed house and associated estate on Rousay, in Orkney, Scotland, built in its present form in 1875. Designed by David Bryce, the house was commissioned by Sir F W Traill-Burroughs in 1870, as a new family home for himself on his return from India. The gardens are open to the public every summer, and although the house in its present condition is not, it is hoped by the owners that in time it too will be available to visit.


Trumland is a Category B listed house and associated estate on Rousay, in Orkney, Scotland, built in its present form in 1875. Designed by David Bryce, the house was commissioned by Sir F W Traill-Burroughs in 1870, as a new family home for himself on his return from India. The gardens are open to the public every summer, and although the house in its present condition is not, it is hoped by the owners that in time it too will be available to visit.