Tutta colpa di Freud

Tutta colpa di Freud (Italian for "All Freud’s Fault") is a 2014 Italian comedy film written and directed by Paolo Genovese. It was a box office hit, grossing over 8 million euros. The theme song "Tutta colpa di Freud" by Daniele Silvestri won the Ciak d'oro for best original song.

Tutta colpa di Freud

Tutta colpa di Freud (Italian for "All Freud’s Fault") is a 2014 Italian comedy film written and directed by Paolo Genovese. It was a box office hit, grossing over 8 million euros. The theme song "Tutta colpa di Freud" by Daniele Silvestri won the Ciak d'oro for best original song.