U.S. Patent No. 1

U.S. Patent No. 1 is a board game designed by & James Ernest, and published by Cheapass Games in 2001. Each player's goal is to assemble a complete time machine (four components required), and travel back to the day the U.S. Patent Office opened so as to secure the first patent issued for their efforts. The game was nominated for the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game of 2001, but lost to Risk 2210. Cheapass Games no longer supports the game, but has made the complete game available for free download on their "Boulevard of Broken Games" page.

U.S. Patent No. 1

U.S. Patent No. 1 is a board game designed by & James Ernest, and published by Cheapass Games in 2001. Each player's goal is to assemble a complete time machine (four components required), and travel back to the day the U.S. Patent Office opened so as to secure the first patent issued for their efforts. The game was nominated for the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game of 2001, but lost to Risk 2210. Cheapass Games no longer supports the game, but has made the complete game available for free download on their "Boulevard of Broken Games" page.