U.S. WeChat Users Alliance v. Trump

U.S. WeChat Users Alliance (USWUA) v. Trump is a court case pending before the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. The plaintiffs won a preliminary injunction on September 20, 2020 blocking the Trump administration's ban order against WeChat based on concerns raised about harm to First Amendment rights and the hardships imposed on a minority community using the app as a primary means of communication.

U.S. WeChat Users Alliance v. Trump

U.S. WeChat Users Alliance (USWUA) v. Trump is a court case pending before the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. The plaintiffs won a preliminary injunction on September 20, 2020 blocking the Trump administration's ban order against WeChat based on concerns raised about harm to First Amendment rights and the hardships imposed on a minority community using the app as a primary means of communication.