U3 (Vienna U-Bahn)

Line U3 is a line on the Vienna U-Bahn metro system.Opened in 1991, it currently has 21 stations and a total length of 13.4 km (8.3 mi), from Ottakring to Simmering, making it the shortest line on the network.It is connected to Line U1 at Stephansplatz, Line U2 at Volkstheater, Line U4 at Landstraße and Line U6 at Westbahnhof.

U3 (Vienna U-Bahn)

Line U3 is a line on the Vienna U-Bahn metro system.Opened in 1991, it currently has 21 stations and a total length of 13.4 km (8.3 mi), from Ottakring to Simmering, making it the shortest line on the network.It is connected to Line U1 at Stephansplatz, Line U2 at Volkstheater, Line U4 at Landstraße and Line U6 at Westbahnhof.