
The Ukrainian Animated Film Studio (Ukrainian: Українська кіностудія анімаційних фільмів), also the Ukranimafilm Film Studio (Ukrainian: Кіностудія «Укранімафільм»), is a state-owned Ukrainian animation film studio that has existed in Kyiv for more than 60 years (1959-2019). The studio was founded in 1959 by separating from the state Kyiv studio of popular science films (Kyivnaukfilm). It operated until 2019, when was liquidated by joining the Dovzhenko Film Centre.


The Ukrainian Animated Film Studio (Ukrainian: Українська кіностудія анімаційних фільмів), also the Ukranimafilm Film Studio (Ukrainian: Кіностудія «Укранімафільм»), is a state-owned Ukrainian animation film studio that has existed in Kyiv for more than 60 years (1959-2019). The studio was founded in 1959 by separating from the state Kyiv studio of popular science films (Kyivnaukfilm). It operated until 2019, when was liquidated by joining the Dovzhenko Film Centre.