Umm Hakim bint Abdul Muttalib

Umm Hakim bint Abdul Muttalib (Arabic: البيضاء بنت عبد المطلب‎) was an aunt of Muhammad. She was born in Mecca around 546, the daughter of Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatimah bint Amr al-Makhzumiya. She was the twin sister of Abdullah, the father of Muhammad. Umm Hakim was known as Al-Baydaa ("the White One") because she was Abdulmuttalib's only fair-skinned daughter. She married Kurayz ibn Rabia from the Abdshams clan of the Quraysh. Their children were Amir, Arwa (the mother of the future Caliph Uthman), Talha and Umm Talha. Umm Hakim died before 610.

Umm Hakim bint Abdul Muttalib

Umm Hakim bint Abdul Muttalib (Arabic: البيضاء بنت عبد المطلب‎) was an aunt of Muhammad. She was born in Mecca around 546, the daughter of Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatimah bint Amr al-Makhzumiya. She was the twin sister of Abdullah, the father of Muhammad. Umm Hakim was known as Al-Baydaa ("the White One") because she was Abdulmuttalib's only fair-skinned daughter. She married Kurayz ibn Rabia from the Abdshams clan of the Quraysh. Their children were Amir, Arwa (the mother of the future Caliph Uthman), Talha and Umm Talha. Umm Hakim died before 610.