Uncle Tobys Super Series

The Uncle Toby's Super Series was a professional Australian Iron Man circuit that ran from 1989 to 2001. It was considered by many to be the pinnacle of Surf Lifesaving and inspired many young kids to become involved in the sport. It also made the sport professional and gave the opportunity for contracted competitors to make a full-time living from the sport. Televised on Network 10, The Uncle Toby's Super Series became a major event on the Australian Sporting Calendar each summer.

Uncle Tobys Super Series

The Uncle Toby's Super Series was a professional Australian Iron Man circuit that ran from 1989 to 2001. It was considered by many to be the pinnacle of Surf Lifesaving and inspired many young kids to become involved in the sport. It also made the sport professional and gave the opportunity for contracted competitors to make a full-time living from the sport. Televised on Network 10, The Uncle Toby's Super Series became a major event on the Australian Sporting Calendar each summer.