Unfinished Sky

Unfinished Sky is a 2007 drama film written and directed by Peter Duncan. William McInnes stars as John Woldring, an Australian farmer living in self-imposed exile over the false accusation regarding the death of his wife who later falls in love with Tahmeena, an Afghani refugee, who is played by Monic Hendrickx. Deliberated by scholars and Peter Duncan as being a film centralised focused on the response to 9/11, Unfinished Sky is described as one intrinsically based in the idea of the post-nation cinema. Academics label the main themes and motives as to those relating to; isolation, the fear of others, and the overcoming of obstacles, whilst more particular critics note notions of the Australian identity and consequences relating to an individual context.

Unfinished Sky

Unfinished Sky is a 2007 drama film written and directed by Peter Duncan. William McInnes stars as John Woldring, an Australian farmer living in self-imposed exile over the false accusation regarding the death of his wife who later falls in love with Tahmeena, an Afghani refugee, who is played by Monic Hendrickx. Deliberated by scholars and Peter Duncan as being a film centralised focused on the response to 9/11, Unfinished Sky is described as one intrinsically based in the idea of the post-nation cinema. Academics label the main themes and motives as to those relating to; isolation, the fear of others, and the overcoming of obstacles, whilst more particular critics note notions of the Australian identity and consequences relating to an individual context.