
UniSuper is an Australian superannuation fund that provides superannuation services to employees of Australia's higher education and research sector. The fund has over 450,000 members and $85 billion in assets (funds under management and total member accounts at 31 December 2017). UniSuper is a not-for-profit company whose shareholders are 37 Australian universities and is governed by a corporate Trustee, UniSuper Limited. All the universities have representation on the Consultative Committee.


UniSuper is an Australian superannuation fund that provides superannuation services to employees of Australia's higher education and research sector. The fund has over 450,000 members and $85 billion in assets (funds under management and total member accounts at 31 December 2017). UniSuper is a not-for-profit company whose shareholders are 37 Australian universities and is governed by a corporate Trustee, UniSuper Limited. All the universities have representation on the Consultative Committee.