United Medical Center

United Medical Center, formerly Greater Southeast Community Hospital, is the only public hospital in Washington D.C. The 330-bed facility is located in Congress Heights, . In 2016, the government of the District of Columbia awarded a no-bid contract for running the hospital to Veritas, a politically connected firm with limited experience in health care management. While receiving more than $800,000 monthly to manage the hospital, Veritas failed to improve the quality of care. Under Veritas management there were several cases of preventable patient deaths and negligence. The only obstetrics ward east of the Anacostia River was closed by regulators because it could not meet minimum standards. In 2018, following a close vote in the D.C. Council, a new management firm was selected.

United Medical Center

United Medical Center, formerly Greater Southeast Community Hospital, is the only public hospital in Washington D.C. The 330-bed facility is located in Congress Heights, . In 2016, the government of the District of Columbia awarded a no-bid contract for running the hospital to Veritas, a politically connected firm with limited experience in health care management. While receiving more than $800,000 monthly to manage the hospital, Veritas failed to improve the quality of care. Under Veritas management there were several cases of preventable patient deaths and negligence. The only obstetrics ward east of the Anacostia River was closed by regulators because it could not meet minimum standards. In 2018, following a close vote in the D.C. Council, a new management firm was selected.