United Nations Security Council Resolution 1864

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1864, adopted unanimously January 23, 2009, after recalling resolution 1740 (2007), 1796 (2008) and 1825 (2008) on the situation in Nepal, the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), whose mandate expired that day, by another six months until July 23, 2009.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1864

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1864, adopted unanimously January 23, 2009, after recalling resolution 1740 (2007), 1796 (2008) and 1825 (2008) on the situation in Nepal, the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), whose mandate expired that day, by another six months until July 23, 2009.