United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085, adopted unanimously on 20 December 2012, authorized the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA). The resolution recalled previous resolutions regarding the Northern Mali conflict, including resolutions 2056 and 2071 in authorizing action. According to Ban Ki Moon, the resolution "aimed at the full restoration of Mali’s constitutional order and territorial integrity."

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085, adopted unanimously on 20 December 2012, authorized the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA). The resolution recalled previous resolutions regarding the Northern Mali conflict, including resolutions 2056 and 2071 in authorizing action. According to Ban Ki Moon, the resolution "aimed at the full restoration of Mali’s constitutional order and territorial integrity."