United Nations Security Council Resolution 323

United Nations Security Council Resolution 323, adopted on December 6, 1972, after recalling previous resolutions and reaffirming the United Naition's responsibility for Namibia, the Council observed with satisfaction that Namibians had an opportunity of expressing their aspirations to representatives of the UN and noted that the overwhelming majority of the opinions of those consulted were in favor of the abolition of the "homelands policy" and accession to national independence. The Council expressed regret for South Africa's opaqueness regarding self-determination for Namibia and invited the Secretary-General to continue his valuable efforts to ensure that the people of Namibia exercise their right to self-determination and independence.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 323

United Nations Security Council Resolution 323, adopted on December 6, 1972, after recalling previous resolutions and reaffirming the United Naition's responsibility for Namibia, the Council observed with satisfaction that Namibians had an opportunity of expressing their aspirations to representatives of the UN and noted that the overwhelming majority of the opinions of those consulted were in favor of the abolition of the "homelands policy" and accession to national independence. The Council expressed regret for South Africa's opaqueness regarding self-determination for Namibia and invited the Secretary-General to continue his valuable efforts to ensure that the people of Namibia exercise their right to self-determination and independence.