Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Power Plant

The Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Plant is a proposed pumped-storage hydropower facility in Indonesia, due for completion by 2025. The pant will be located 40 km (25 mi) west of Bandung in West Java, Indonesia, and its two reservoirs will occupy area in West Bandung Regency and Cianjur Regency. It will have an installed capacity of 1,040 MW and will be Indonesia's first pumped-storage power plant.

Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Power Plant

The Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Plant is a proposed pumped-storage hydropower facility in Indonesia, due for completion by 2025. The pant will be located 40 km (25 mi) west of Bandung in West Java, Indonesia, and its two reservoirs will occupy area in West Bandung Regency and Cianjur Regency. It will have an installed capacity of 1,040 MW and will be Indonesia's first pumped-storage power plant.