Uppsala International Short Film Festival

Uppsala International Short Film Festival is an annual festival hosted in Uppsala, Sweden since 1982. As of 2002 the winner of the award "Uppsala Grand Prix" and the winner of the Uppsala Film Jackdaw for Best Children's Film are eligible for an Academy Award nomination. The Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Sweden's premier arena for short film, shows more than 300 short films along with lectures and seminars that give an insight into Swedish film, culture and history. Swedish and international filmmakers and other professionals attend.

Uppsala International Short Film Festival

Uppsala International Short Film Festival is an annual festival hosted in Uppsala, Sweden since 1982. As of 2002 the winner of the award "Uppsala Grand Prix" and the winner of the Uppsala Film Jackdaw for Best Children's Film are eligible for an Academy Award nomination. The Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Sweden's premier arena for short film, shows more than 300 short films along with lectures and seminars that give an insight into Swedish film, culture and history. Swedish and international filmmakers and other professionals attend.