Urner Tellspiel

The Urner Tellspiel (German: Tell Play of Uri) is the earliest surviving written version of a William Tell play. The debut performance of Urner Tellspiel (whose full title reads Ein hüpsch Spyl gehalten zuo Ury in der Eydgnoschafft) was probably held in winter 1512/1513 in Altdorf, Uri. However, it cannot be precluded that the story of William Tell was already frequently performed during the 15th century in an impromptu way and without standard text dialogues, following the example of the commedia dell'arte.

Urner Tellspiel

The Urner Tellspiel (German: Tell Play of Uri) is the earliest surviving written version of a William Tell play. The debut performance of Urner Tellspiel (whose full title reads Ein hüpsch Spyl gehalten zuo Ury in der Eydgnoschafft) was probably held in winter 1512/1513 in Altdorf, Uri. However, it cannot be precluded that the story of William Tell was already frequently performed during the 15th century in an impromptu way and without standard text dialogues, following the example of the commedia dell'arte.