
Víziváros (meaning Watertown, Latin: Civitas Archiepiscopalis, German: Wasserstadt) is a neighborhood of Esztergom, Hungary on the right bank of the Danube, under the royal castle and the St. Adalbert Primatial Basilica. The name Watertown derives from the numerous hot springs in the area. * Mindszenty square * Péter Pázmány street * Bibliotheca


Víziváros (meaning Watertown, Latin: Civitas Archiepiscopalis, German: Wasserstadt) is a neighborhood of Esztergom, Hungary on the right bank of the Danube, under the royal castle and the St. Adalbert Primatial Basilica. The name Watertown derives from the numerous hot springs in the area. * Mindszenty square * Péter Pázmány street * Bibliotheca