V838 Herculis

V838 Herculis, also known as Nova Herculis 1991, was a nova which occurred in the constellation Hercules in 1991. It was discovered by George Alcock of Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, England at 4:35 UT on the morning of 25 March 1991. He found it with 10×50 binoculars, and on that morning its apparent visual magnitude was 5 (making it visible to the naked eye). Palomar Sky Survey plates showed that before the outburst, the star was at photographic magnitude 20.6 (blue light) and 18.25 (red light).

V838 Herculis

V838 Herculis, also known as Nova Herculis 1991, was a nova which occurred in the constellation Hercules in 1991. It was discovered by George Alcock of Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, England at 4:35 UT on the morning of 25 March 1991. He found it with 10×50 binoculars, and on that morning its apparent visual magnitude was 5 (making it visible to the naked eye). Palomar Sky Survey plates showed that before the outburst, the star was at photographic magnitude 20.6 (blue light) and 18.25 (red light).