Vera Grabe

Vera Grabe Loewenherz is a Colombian anthropologist, politician, and former member of the Colombian guerrilla M-19, of which she was also a co-founder. She successfully rejoined society through a peace accord that permitted rebels to disarm and suffer no retaliation from the Government. She has worked as a diplomatic attachée on human rights with the Embassy of Colombia in Spain, Director of the NGO Observatorio para la Paz (1998–1999), professor and editor, and peace advocate.

Vera Grabe

Vera Grabe Loewenherz is a Colombian anthropologist, politician, and former member of the Colombian guerrilla M-19, of which she was also a co-founder. She successfully rejoined society through a peace accord that permitted rebels to disarm and suffer no retaliation from the Government. She has worked as a diplomatic attachée on human rights with the Embassy of Colombia in Spain, Director of the NGO Observatorio para la Paz (1998–1999), professor and editor, and peace advocate.