
The Veragri (Gaulish: Ueragri, 'super-warriors'; Greek: Οὐάραγροι) were a Gallic tribe dwelling in the Pennine Alps during the Iron Age and the Roman period. Along with the Nantuates, Seduni and Uberi, they were part of the Vallenses, a group of tribes living between the Lake Geneva and the Pennine Alps, in the modern canton of Valais (Switzerland).


The Veragri (Gaulish: Ueragri, 'super-warriors'; Greek: Οὐάραγροι) were a Gallic tribe dwelling in the Pennine Alps during the Iron Age and the Roman period. Along with the Nantuates, Seduni and Uberi, they were part of the Vallenses, a group of tribes living between the Lake Geneva and the Pennine Alps, in the modern canton of Valais (Switzerland).