
A vergobret was a magistrate in ancient Gaul who held the highest office in many Gallic cities, especially among the Aedui. Julius Caesar discusses the role of the vergobret several times in his Commentaries on the Gallic War, referring to the office with the terms princeps civitatis, principatus, and magistratus. The vergobret was chosen from among the most powerful people. Some tribes, such as the Aedui or Remi, minted coins with the portrait of their vergobrets (the Aedui Dumnorix for instance).


A vergobret was a magistrate in ancient Gaul who held the highest office in many Gallic cities, especially among the Aedui. Julius Caesar discusses the role of the vergobret several times in his Commentaries on the Gallic War, referring to the office with the terms princeps civitatis, principatus, and magistratus. The vergobret was chosen from among the most powerful people. Some tribes, such as the Aedui or Remi, minted coins with the portrait of their vergobrets (the Aedui Dumnorix for instance).