Vermont Catamounts women's ice hockey

The Vermont Catamounts women's ice hockey program represents the University of Vermont. The Catamounts compete in Hockey East. Their first year of varsity women's hockey was in 1998-99. The Catamounts were in the ECAC at the Division III level of competition. In 2001-02, the Catamounts moved up to Division I. For the 2005-06 season, the Catamounts moved to Hockey East.

Vermont Catamounts women's ice hockey

The Vermont Catamounts women's ice hockey program represents the University of Vermont. The Catamounts compete in Hockey East. Their first year of varsity women's hockey was in 1998-99. The Catamounts were in the ECAC at the Division III level of competition. In 2001-02, the Catamounts moved up to Division I. For the 2005-06 season, the Catamounts moved to Hockey East.