Vertical vowel system

A vertical vowel system is the system of vowels in a language that requires only vowel height to phonemically distinguish vowels. Theoretically, rounding, frontness and backness could also be used in one-dimensional vowel systems; however, vertical refers specifically to the usage of vowel height as the sole distinguishing feature. Vertical vowel systems, invariably contrasting only in vowel height, have been noted for the following languages:

Vertical vowel system

A vertical vowel system is the system of vowels in a language that requires only vowel height to phonemically distinguish vowels. Theoretically, rounding, frontness and backness could also be used in one-dimensional vowel systems; however, vertical refers specifically to the usage of vowel height as the sole distinguishing feature. Vertical vowel systems, invariably contrasting only in vowel height, have been noted for the following languages: