Veterinary Drugs Directorate

The Veterinary Drugs Directorate is a part of the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada. It exists by virtue of the Food and Drugs Act. Its goal is "to protect human and animal health and the safety of Canada's food supply". The Directorate puts all "veterinary products, such antimicrobials, growth promotion drugs and feed additives, through a rigorous approval process before they are licensed and sold for use" in Canada.

Veterinary Drugs Directorate

The Veterinary Drugs Directorate is a part of the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada. It exists by virtue of the Food and Drugs Act. Its goal is "to protect human and animal health and the safety of Canada's food supply". The Directorate puts all "veterinary products, such antimicrobials, growth promotion drugs and feed additives, through a rigorous approval process before they are licensed and sold for use" in Canada.