
Vext is a fictional character created by Keith Giffen and the star of a short-lived 1999 comic book series published by DC Comics. The series was written by Keith Giffen, pencilled by Mike McKone, inked by , lettered by , and colored by Lovern Kindzierski with separations by Digital Chameleon for all six issues (with guest inker Andy Lanning filling in on issue 4). The series was the last one edited by Kevin Dooley before he left comic books and was assisted by Harvey Richards.


Vext is a fictional character created by Keith Giffen and the star of a short-lived 1999 comic book series published by DC Comics. The series was written by Keith Giffen, pencilled by Mike McKone, inked by , lettered by , and colored by Lovern Kindzierski with separations by Digital Chameleon for all six issues (with guest inker Andy Lanning filling in on issue 4). The series was the last one edited by Kevin Dooley before he left comic books and was assisted by Harvey Richards.