Vic the Viking

Vic the Viking is a French-German-Austrian-Dutch-Australian children's television ABC series, which began on Network Ten on 6 July 2013, and continued on Eleven on 9 November 2013. It was based on the German-Austrian-Japanese 1974-1975 anime series Vicky the Viking. The show aired 39 episodes for a total of 78 segments, and ended in 2014. The series has been aired overseas, as in Flanders by Ketnet since autumn 2013 (dubbed in Dutch). In the UK it is aired on Pop.

Vic the Viking

Vic the Viking is a French-German-Austrian-Dutch-Australian children's television ABC series, which began on Network Ten on 6 July 2013, and continued on Eleven on 9 November 2013. It was based on the German-Austrian-Japanese 1974-1975 anime series Vicky the Viking. The show aired 39 episodes for a total of 78 segments, and ended in 2014. The series has been aired overseas, as in Flanders by Ketnet since autumn 2013 (dubbed in Dutch). In the UK it is aired on Pop.