Vidas Cruzadas (web series)

Vidas Cruzadas (Crossed Lives) is a webnovela which premiered on After a legal dispute between Televisa and Univision, for the rights of , it finally premiered on on August 12, 2009. The web cast of this new novel has brought together two major actors on the small screen: Kate del Castillo and Guy Ecker, who have been regarded as the most successful romantic couple. The 15-episode series consists of 5-to-7-minute episodes that are available exclusively to users. Now different from the daily novela format, this only will "air" 3 times per week, which has some viewers confused judging from the comments left on the pages. It "airs" on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Vidas Cruzadas is supported with a dedicated microsite featuring behind-the-scenes

Vidas Cruzadas (web series)

Vidas Cruzadas (Crossed Lives) is a webnovela which premiered on After a legal dispute between Televisa and Univision, for the rights of , it finally premiered on on August 12, 2009. The web cast of this new novel has brought together two major actors on the small screen: Kate del Castillo and Guy Ecker, who have been regarded as the most successful romantic couple. The 15-episode series consists of 5-to-7-minute episodes that are available exclusively to users. Now different from the daily novela format, this only will "air" 3 times per week, which has some viewers confused judging from the comments left on the pages. It "airs" on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Vidas Cruzadas is supported with a dedicated microsite featuring behind-the-scenes