Virasoro conjecture

In algebraic geometry, the Virasoro conjecture states that a certain generating function encoding Gromov–Witten invariants of a smooth projective variety is fixed by an action of half of the Virasoro algebra. Tohru Eguchi, Kentaro Hori, and Chuan-Sheng Xiong proposed the Virasoro conjecture as a generalization of Witten's conjecture. Ezra Getzler gave a survey of the Virasoro conjecture.

Virasoro conjecture

In algebraic geometry, the Virasoro conjecture states that a certain generating function encoding Gromov–Witten invariants of a smooth projective variety is fixed by an action of half of the Virasoro algebra. Tohru Eguchi, Kentaro Hori, and Chuan-Sheng Xiong proposed the Virasoro conjecture as a generalization of Witten's conjecture. Ezra Getzler gave a survey of the Virasoro conjecture.